The story of Overwatch takes place on Earth in the 'near future' in the years after the 'Omnic Crisis,' a period in which robots (called 'omnics') rose up in rebellion worldwide, and the United Nations formed an elite group called Overwatch to combat them. However, as Overwatch 2 is being developed to be a faster game with five-versus-five teams rather than six-versus-six, several of the characters had tweaks or major rebuilds within Overwatch 2. Overwatch and its sequel, Overwatch 2, shares the same hero roster in the multiplayer mode.
The 2016 first-person shooter video game Overwatch, developed by Blizzard Entertainment, features 32 playable characters known as heroes and a number of supporting characters as part of the game's narrative, which is told through animated media and digital comics outside of the game. A promotional image of the 32 different playable characters on the fourth anniversary of release for Overwatch